North Korea is planning to launch a rocket the early part of April. They revealed this launch to be a part of their space developmental program. And the launch is not for military purposes, but a peaceful testing of the rockets. However some government fear that the launch will be use to test the capacity of these long-range missiles. These missiles have the possibilty of reaching and striking in Alaska. The outcome of such a strike will not be accepted lightly and peaceful. The Secretary of State has warned that this would be a "provocative act" and a violation of the UN resolution. And the way the U.N. might respond to this act has not been make known. Some countries are making preparation in case a rocket might be launched.
Two U.S. ships docked in South Korea (USS John S. McCain and USS Chafee)will began sail Monday, to monitor the North Korean launch.
South Korea is also sending a ship (Sejong the Great Destroyer) to monitor North Korean launch.
And Japan is sending two warships into a position and ordered the military to prepare to shoot down any debris that could fall on Japanese territory if the rocket launch doesn't go as planned.
The world will embrace for a peaceful outcome if the rocket launch takes place. There is no place for another conflict and more wars. Say No!!!!