The military is a society within a society. Therefore, the military society operates in somewhat of a different way. Even the way time is given in a unique way considering most societies. Whereas, most places operate on a 12-hour clock. They operate on a 24-hour clock. The time pattern begin from 0000 hours to 2300 hours. For example 2:00AM is said to be: "zero two hundred" or "0200", 2:00 PM is "fourteen hundred" or "1400" and so on as such:
Midnight (12:00 AM) -- 0000 hrs
1:00 AM -- 0100 hrs
2:00 AM -- 0200 hrs
3:00 AM -- 0300 hrs
4:00 AM -- 0400 hrs
5:00 AM -- 0500 hrs
6:00 AM -- 0600 hrs
7:00 AM -- 0700 hrs
8:00 AM -- 0800 hrs
9:00 AM -- 0900 hrs
10:00 AM -- 1000 hrs
11:00 AM -- 1100 hrs
12:00 PM -- 1200 hrs
1:00 PM -- 1300 hrs
2:00 PM -- 1400 hrs
3:00 PM -- 1500 hrs
4:00 PM -- 1600 hrs
5:00 PM -- 1700 hrs
6:00 PM -- 1800 hrs
7:00 PM -- 1900 hrs
8:00 PM -- 2000 hrs
9:00 PM -- 2100 hrs
10:00 PM -- 2200 hrs
11:00 PM -- 2300 hrs

Mae WHY do we have two twelve hour's a day.?????????????????????????????????? when 1-24 is easier. but again what do i know bless you.