Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thank You
I will not be posting on this blog for awhile. Continue to give special thanks to the troops for the sacrifices they make to serve their counties. And continue to pray for them. I will be posting to my other blog. Thank you for the visits to my other blog:Touch of Life!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Animals and War
"Dogs are miracles with paws." -Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy
Are you a pet lover? What is your favorite pet? As for me it a dog, because I think dogs are more versatile than any other pet. They are eyes for the blind, trained for drug seizure, help find missing persons, service to man in war, and are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their master. They are loyalty and very lovable to have as a pet.
For many centuries animals have been use througout warfares. Animals has done great work in combat zones. One of the most faithful animal in war have been the horse. During the prehistoric era animals were corporated into the armed forces in places like Europe, Egypt, America,and England. The horses were a great asset when it came to getting ammunition and supplies to the front line. They could travel ground where none other could travel. During the wars hundred thousands of horses died mostly from stravation, illness, heat exhaustion, and froze to death, than by enemy fire.
Another great animal to serve with man in war is the dog. As I mentioned is the most versatile of man's best friend. Dogs were afforded training school and learned to carry out many different tasks. They learned how to be ammo carriers, carry messages, to be watch dogs, mine sniffers, and even how to lay telegraph lines in the wilderness.
Someone must carry the load. And this is when the elephant comes in to play. None other animal have taken part in the war like the elephant. The elephant has definitely been a warrior in in battles. The military employed the elephant to haul timber, tons of logs, building briges and roads through the jungle. They huge animals are able to carry heavy loads.
It would not be correct to forget the humped-back warrior, the camel. You see he is one of a kind. Able to carry very heavy loads for a distant without even water or food. The camel can perform well in hot climates such as the desert. In the desert, he has an edge over other animals and humans too.
Are you a pet lover? What is your favorite pet? As for me it a dog, because I think dogs are more versatile than any other pet. They are eyes for the blind, trained for drug seizure, help find missing persons, service to man in war, and are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their master. They are loyalty and very lovable to have as a pet.
For many centuries animals have been use througout warfares. Animals has done great work in combat zones. One of the most faithful animal in war have been the horse. During the prehistoric era animals were corporated into the armed forces in places like Europe, Egypt, America,and England. The horses were a great asset when it came to getting ammunition and supplies to the front line. They could travel ground where none other could travel. During the wars hundred thousands of horses died mostly from stravation, illness, heat exhaustion, and froze to death, than by enemy fire.
Another great animal to serve with man in war is the dog. As I mentioned is the most versatile of man's best friend. Dogs were afforded training school and learned to carry out many different tasks. They learned how to be ammo carriers, carry messages, to be watch dogs, mine sniffers, and even how to lay telegraph lines in the wilderness.
Someone must carry the load. And this is when the elephant comes in to play. None other animal have taken part in the war like the elephant. The elephant has definitely been a warrior in in battles. The military employed the elephant to haul timber, tons of logs, building briges and roads through the jungle. They huge animals are able to carry heavy loads.
It would not be correct to forget the humped-back warrior, the camel. You see he is one of a kind. Able to carry very heavy loads for a distant without even water or food. The camel can perform well in hot climates such as the desert. In the desert, he has an edge over other animals and humans too.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's day
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Military Medals and Ribbons
Who was the most decorated soldier in US history?
Everyone likes to receive an award as a token of appreciation for a job well done.

Purple Heart
This medal is earned by being directly wounded as a result of an ememy action in war.

Bronze Star
This medal is awarded to persons of the armed forces for heroism in combat against an enemy force.

Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to military personnel for outstanding acheivement/service to the country, normally in non-combat zone.

Soldier's Medal
This soldier's medal is awarded to any member of the US armed forces and friendly foreign forces for heroism as in "risk of life" for conditions other than a conflict victory.

Valorous Unit Ribbon
For military units of the US for heroism against enemy on or after August 1963.

Coast Guard Unit Ribbon
The ribbon is awarded by the Commander of the Coast Guard for excellent support of the their operations.

Philippine Defense Ribbon
For service personnel who served during the defense of the Philippines from December 1941-June 1942.
Everyone likes to receive an award as a token of appreciation for a job well done.

Purple Heart
This medal is earned by being directly wounded as a result of an ememy action in war.

Bronze Star
This medal is awarded to persons of the armed forces for heroism in combat against an enemy force.

Meritorious Service Medal
Awarded to military personnel for outstanding acheivement/service to the country, normally in non-combat zone.

Soldier's Medal
This soldier's medal is awarded to any member of the US armed forces and friendly foreign forces for heroism as in "risk of life" for conditions other than a conflict victory.

Valorous Unit Ribbon
For military units of the US for heroism against enemy on or after August 1963.

Coast Guard Unit Ribbon
The ribbon is awarded by the Commander of the Coast Guard for excellent support of the their operations.

Philippine Defense Ribbon
For service personnel who served during the defense of the Philippines from December 1941-June 1942.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Deadly Month for US and Iraqis
Is it time to bring the service members home?
April has been the dealiest in the last seven month, with a death toll of approximately 18 service members. And the Iraqi deaths rose to the highest it been this year.
These deaths have increase as results of suicide bombing. In a the latest attack, a suicide bomber blew himself up, killed five and wounded 10 in the city of Mosul.
The attacks has sparked concerns rather or not the Iraqis are ready to take over the responsibily for their own security, as troops began to be pulled out of Iraq.
Since there are questions about the readiness of the Iraqis, does that means that other forces are to remain in Iraq?
April has been the dealiest in the last seven month, with a death toll of approximately 18 service members. And the Iraqi deaths rose to the highest it been this year.
These deaths have increase as results of suicide bombing. In a the latest attack, a suicide bomber blew himself up, killed five and wounded 10 in the city of Mosul.
The attacks has sparked concerns rather or not the Iraqis are ready to take over the responsibily for their own security, as troops began to be pulled out of Iraq.
Since there are questions about the readiness of the Iraqis, does that means that other forces are to remain in Iraq?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
5 Top Entrecard Droppers
I would like to give special thanks to the 5 entrecard users who dropped their card on my site the most in the last 30 days.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Art of War
War is like everything else, there are certain steps and procedures to be utilized if there is to be a successful outcome. One of the best-known written strategy on wars is the work of a great Philosopher Sun Tzu's Art or War. He is believed to have lived some two thousand years ago.
"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious".- Sun Tzu
Conflicts are necessary for the development and growth of mankind and its environment. There will be very little or no growth without conflicts. According to the Bible, Ecclesiastes,3:8. "There is a time of war and a time of peace".
From the ancient time up to this day, Mankind have been faced with conflicts and wars. Wars will continue to be passed on from generations to generations until the end of time. Each conflict requires strategic planning, as every conflict is unique in it own way. Behind every battle that is lead to victory,stands a good leader.This good leader must see a need for a battle/war. Under no circumstances must he proceed if he cannot foresee winning the battle. He must have some type of understanding of equipment being used in the battle. And an understanding of his men. Certainly, a good leader should be of great focus and sound mind. The leaders must understand the risks and know the benefits. Preparation is the key to Victory!!
"If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near". - Sun Tzu
"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious".- Sun Tzu
Conflicts are necessary for the development and growth of mankind and its environment. There will be very little or no growth without conflicts. According to the Bible, Ecclesiastes,3:8. "There is a time of war and a time of peace".
From the ancient time up to this day, Mankind have been faced with conflicts and wars. Wars will continue to be passed on from generations to generations until the end of time. Each conflict requires strategic planning, as every conflict is unique in it own way. Behind every battle that is lead to victory,stands a good leader.This good leader must see a need for a battle/war. Under no circumstances must he proceed if he cannot foresee winning the battle. He must have some type of understanding of equipment being used in the battle. And an understanding of his men. Certainly, a good leader should be of great focus and sound mind. The leaders must understand the risks and know the benefits. Preparation is the key to Victory!!
"If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near". - Sun Tzu
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
10 Famous Battles of WWI

Battle of Leige
This was the first land battle which lasted for 12 days from 5-16 August 1914.
Battle of Luske
This battle was launched on the 4th of June 1916 and lasted for only two days. During these 2 days they suffered the loss of more than 120,000.
Battle of Bolimov
The battle was fought on January 31, 1915. This when the Germans, first used a poison gas which backfired to their line of fire.
Battle of Jerusalem
This attacked began on December 8th 1917. They fought for 18 days. The Holy City counter attack fail and Jerusalem fell into the hands of the British.
Battle of Tikrit
This attack was launched 5 November 1917. The Tuskish front lines were invaded after only three hours of fighting.
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Battle of Verdum
This battle was the most critical and longest battle of the first war. The Germans and French fought this battle from 21 February to 15 December 1916. The Battle of Verdun resulted in more than 250,000 battlefield deaths and at least 500,000 wounded.
Battle of Basra
This attack ran from 6 thur 10 November 1917. The turks withdrew leaving Basra empty
The British attacked Basra and within an hour the Turks were defeated and Basra was
captured. Today, Basra is known as Al-Basrah.
Battle of Caporetto
The Battle of Caporetto took place from 24 October to 9 November 1917. The attack took the Italians by surprise, as they were attacked at 2AM. This battle resulted in over 10,000 being killed, 20,000 wounded, 250,000 prisoners or war.
Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)
The Battle of Hill 60 was launched on 21-29 August 1915. After 36 hours of continuous fighting the Allied Forces, finally ceased fire.
Battle of Jutland
This was the largest naval battle or World War I and it was fought from 31 May – 1 June 1916. The Battle of Jutland was fought between the German and British Navy.
The Germans lost one battle cruiser, one pre-Dreadnought, four light cruisers, and five destroyers. The British lost three battle cruisers, four armoured cruisers, and eight destroyers.
Although it have been over 90 years since the war stopped, it is still considered a war without an end. The persons that lived through the great war are passing away. We can only reply on the history books, media, and the internet to keep this piece of history alive.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Military Child
I been thinking of a title for this post. I thought about giving the title of military brat. But I do not like that term "military brat." According to the dictionary a brat is an ill-behaved child. What a label? It sounds like a child with mental issues. Just because they are reared in a somewhat different society doesn't give no one the right to put a label on them. The military has been and remain a way of life for many. For the member and their family. The military has discipline, structure, and a lasting mirror reflection on the children reared in this society. It is a society within a society. In its own way the military can be very reassuring as it offers security, and a sense of dependence. It seems like the member's family is being observed from time to time. If the reflection of the military family seems to normal and correct; then the member it said to be more of an effective leader. On the hand, if it doesn't have the right type of appearance and normality than it is a negative reflection on the member. It is very common for the child to become immune to to this way of life at a early age. Sure they might experience a different way of life. Nevertheless the term "military brat" doesn't fit the child. This go beyond the true reality of a military child.
Many have done research and study military families and their environment for years. They discovered some very disturbing and shocking stories.
A writer wrote these stories about family life and the military. The voice of a Navy petty officer. "My father would get drunk and break the dishes. They had to buy more dished every other month."
The daughter of a Army sergeant. "Military members socialized by drinking. There was plenty of drink and on the weekend it was drink until drunk."
The son of a Navy commander. "My dad was a perfectionist; he couldn't make mistakes. At Christmas he wouldn't let us decorate the tree, because it had to be perfect. He laid the tinsel one at a time. He'd let us put the balls on the tree and after we went to bed he'd put the tinsel on. One night when I got up, he had moved all the ball, because they weren't in the correct place. He rearranged the tree."
The sound of a Navy Petty Officer. "Sometimes people apologize to their kids. My father always assumed beating me was an appropriate thing to do. There was a time when I thought, he'd had a hard life. I should just forgive him. But he continue to injure and be a bad person. Not out of control, but he's in charge of his life. Therefore he can see what he is doing to people,especially my mother. I have no hope of reconciliation with him and I will actually be relieved when he dies. I think my mother will be much better off; she'll be able to begin to enjoy life free of his tyranny."
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Many have done research and study military families and their environment for years. They discovered some very disturbing and shocking stories.
A writer wrote these stories about family life and the military. The voice of a Navy petty officer. "My father would get drunk and break the dishes. They had to buy more dished every other month."
The daughter of a Army sergeant. "Military members socialized by drinking. There was plenty of drink and on the weekend it was drink until drunk."
The son of a Navy commander. "My dad was a perfectionist; he couldn't make mistakes. At Christmas he wouldn't let us decorate the tree, because it had to be perfect. He laid the tinsel one at a time. He'd let us put the balls on the tree and after we went to bed he'd put the tinsel on. One night when I got up, he had moved all the ball, because they weren't in the correct place. He rearranged the tree."
The sound of a Navy Petty Officer. "Sometimes people apologize to their kids. My father always assumed beating me was an appropriate thing to do. There was a time when I thought, he'd had a hard life. I should just forgive him. But he continue to injure and be a bad person. Not out of control, but he's in charge of his life. Therefore he can see what he is doing to people,especially my mother. I have no hope of reconciliation with him and I will actually be relieved when he dies. I think my mother will be much better off; she'll be able to begin to enjoy life free of his tyranny."
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Who You Going Call?
In the time of a disaster, who you going call?
The National Guard is the oldest and the most versatile component of the armed forces. Always on time and never late. They performs a variety of duties to protect and improve the way of life for many in time of need. These warriors serve in rural communities, cities, state, national and international. The most responsive team in time of a disaster.
One of their latest mission were to assist with the flooding in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and Wyoming. Many hours were used to fill sandbags, transporting equipment such as generators and water pumps, manning traffic, as they worked with the citizens in those states.
As the hurricane season approaches, the Guardsmen are busy preparing should a hurricane make landfall.
The Guard deployed more than 50,000 troops in support of the Gulf States following Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
And they continue to serve in harm's way in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
They should be praised for providing security here at home and the combat missions abroad, all over the globe. Always ready to answer the call.
The National Guard is the oldest and the most versatile component of the armed forces. Always on time and never late. They performs a variety of duties to protect and improve the way of life for many in time of need. These warriors serve in rural communities, cities, state, national and international. The most responsive team in time of a disaster.
One of their latest mission were to assist with the flooding in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, and Wyoming. Many hours were used to fill sandbags, transporting equipment such as generators and water pumps, manning traffic, as they worked with the citizens in those states.
As the hurricane season approaches, the Guardsmen are busy preparing should a hurricane make landfall.
The Guard deployed more than 50,000 troops in support of the Gulf States following Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
And they continue to serve in harm's way in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
They should be praised for providing security here at home and the combat missions abroad, all over the globe. Always ready to answer the call.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Women and the Armed Forces
What jobs are women incapable of doing?
It is not many jobs, if any, that a man can do that a woman cannot do. Sometimes women doesn't receive the recognition and credit they deserve. Many have served their county with great honor.
Margaret A. Brewer (1930- )
The first women to achieve the rank of brigadier general in the US Marine Corps.
Kara S. Hultgreen (1965-1994)
The first of the two female combat jet pilots in the United States and the first female naval carrier-based fighter pilot.
Margarethe Cammermeyer (1942- )
A Norway native became a highly decorated Army nurse and sued the military as a result of being discharged for acknowledging that she was homosexual.
Elyse Mitchell (1919-1945)
The first known woman to die on US soil during World War II from an enemy bomb.
Is this a big misrepresentation of women in regard to the military?
Still some historians believe the old perception, that women affiliated with the military were prostitutes or women of a low reputation. And these old perceptions continued to haunt women in the today's military.
Sherian Cadorio (1940- )
As of 1990, she was the highest-ranking African-American woman in the military.
Florence Blanchfield (1882-1971)
The first woman commissioned in the US Army in 1947.
Marie Rossi (1969-1991)
One of the first women to fly a chinook helicopter in a combat zone during the Persian Gulf War.
Loretta Walsh (1898-1925)
First woman to enlist in the US Navy on 22 March 1917.
It is not many jobs, if any, that a man can do that a woman cannot do. Sometimes women doesn't receive the recognition and credit they deserve. Many have served their county with great honor.
Margaret A. Brewer (1930- )
The first women to achieve the rank of brigadier general in the US Marine Corps.
Kara S. Hultgreen (1965-1994)
The first of the two female combat jet pilots in the United States and the first female naval carrier-based fighter pilot.
Margarethe Cammermeyer (1942- )
A Norway native became a highly decorated Army nurse and sued the military as a result of being discharged for acknowledging that she was homosexual.
Elyse Mitchell (1919-1945)
The first known woman to die on US soil during World War II from an enemy bomb.
Is this a big misrepresentation of women in regard to the military?
Still some historians believe the old perception, that women affiliated with the military were prostitutes or women of a low reputation. And these old perceptions continued to haunt women in the today's military.
Sherian Cadorio (1940- )
As of 1990, she was the highest-ranking African-American woman in the military.
Florence Blanchfield (1882-1971)
The first woman commissioned in the US Army in 1947.
Marie Rossi (1969-1991)
One of the first women to fly a chinook helicopter in a combat zone during the Persian Gulf War.
Loretta Walsh (1898-1925)
First woman to enlist in the US Navy on 22 March 1917.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Gulf War Syndrome
It been more than eighteen years since the first Persian Gulf War began, but the hurt and pain lives on. The United States and other coalition forces moved into the gulf fast and furious. A victory for the coalition forces, which took place in very short time and casualties were relatively low at that time. Those it been eighteen years, the casualties continues to grow and seems to never end.
Among other coalition forces, the overwhelming majority of the military forces participating were from the United States and the United Kingdom. As a result, these two counties prove to have had the highest rates of illness.
The beliefs that US and UK were more exposed to chemicals and use of the anthrax vaccine. It is still not fully picture clear that the anthrax and the anti-gas vaccinations contributed greatly to the outbreaks of Gulf War Illness.
GWI is refer to as wide range to unexplained symptoms and health issues displayed in military forces that served in the Gulf war. Some of the symptoms includes rashes, headaches, fatigue, muscle/joint pains, lowered immunity cancer, and birth defects in children. Some even experience what they be called Chronic multi symptom illness.
After becoming ill or as their children were being born with birth defects, some began to file claims the miltary for compensation and health benefits. They were being advised that further studies needed to be done in order to determine the nature of these problems. Sometime in between 1994 and 1996,
Dr. Boaz Milner associated the problems with five syndromes, by radiation, experimental medications, environmental contaminants, chemical weapons and compounds. During this time frame more than 69,000 veterans and their dependents claimed to have suffered from health issues linking to the Gulf war.
Among other coalition forces, the overwhelming majority of the military forces participating were from the United States and the United Kingdom. As a result, these two counties prove to have had the highest rates of illness.
The beliefs that US and UK were more exposed to chemicals and use of the anthrax vaccine. It is still not fully picture clear that the anthrax and the anti-gas vaccinations contributed greatly to the outbreaks of Gulf War Illness.
GWI is refer to as wide range to unexplained symptoms and health issues displayed in military forces that served in the Gulf war. Some of the symptoms includes rashes, headaches, fatigue, muscle/joint pains, lowered immunity cancer, and birth defects in children. Some even experience what they be called Chronic multi symptom illness.
After becoming ill or as their children were being born with birth defects, some began to file claims the miltary for compensation and health benefits. They were being advised that further studies needed to be done in order to determine the nature of these problems. Sometime in between 1994 and 1996,
Dr. Boaz Milner associated the problems with five syndromes, by radiation, experimental medications, environmental contaminants, chemical weapons and compounds. During this time frame more than 69,000 veterans and their dependents claimed to have suffered from health issues linking to the Gulf war.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Invasion of Iraq Justified or Not Justified?

Was the invasion of Iraq justified?
The Middle East is so rich in history dating back many decades. This area is known to have had many major conflicts and being in constant turmoil. The whole world is tied to the Middle East in such an extraordinary way. From the very first book of the Bible the Middle East is being connected to mankind in a unique way. It has been prophesied that the Middle East is where mankind's beginning started and where it will end.
Maybe the invasion was to liberate the Iraqis and to bring peace to the land. Sure the leadership might has been oust and a lot of peace talks taking place in that part of the world. Have the people been truly liberated and is there any sign of peace?
Another possibility was to put an end to terrorism after the 9/11 attack on America. If in deed this was reason, Is this a case of revenge? According to The Theory of Just War, "revenge does not justify a just war."
The Middle East is plentiful in crude oil. And Iraq is rank the third in numbers with the oil reserves. Was it to take control of their oil?
The are many more questions than answer.
1. The invasion of Iraq was necessary to protect the world from further terrorism.
2. The war against Iraq was to disarm them of weapons of mass destruction.
3. To free the Iraqis and world from the government of Saddam Hussein.
1. The use of power, strength, and toppling a government doesn't necessary reduce terrorism.
2. There is no evidence to support weapons of mass destruction was ever found.
3.The goals were to control the oil and to have military presence in the area.
Have the time arrived to pull troops out of Iraq?
There is some controversial between political parties when the troops should be pulled from Iraq. According to the President Obama the troops will be pulled from Iraq by August 2010.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Say no!! To another War

North Korea is planning to launch a rocket the early part of April. They revealed this launch to be a part of their space developmental program. And the launch is not for military purposes, but a peaceful testing of the rockets. However some government fear that the launch will be use to test the capacity of these long-range missiles. These missiles have the possibilty of reaching and striking in Alaska. The outcome of such a strike will not be accepted lightly and peaceful. The Secretary of State has warned that this would be a "provocative act" and a violation of the UN resolution. And the way the U.N. might respond to this act has not been make known. Some countries are making preparation in case a rocket might be launched.
Two U.S. ships docked in South Korea (USS John S. McCain and USS Chafee)will began sail Monday, to monitor the North Korean launch.
South Korea is also sending a ship (Sejong the Great Destroyer) to monitor North Korean launch.
And Japan is sending two warships into a position and ordered the military to prepare to shoot down any debris that could fall on Japanese territory if the rocket launch doesn't go as planned.
The world will embrace for a peaceful outcome if the rocket launch takes place. There is no place for another conflict and more wars. Say No!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fighting Machines
Tupolev Tu-95 (RUS)
Max. speed:575 mph

B-52 (USA)
Max. speed:650 mph

Tiger I (Germany)
Speed:38 km/h (24 mph)

Challenger II(UK)
Speed:59 km/h (37 mph)

M1 Abrams (USA)
Speed:42 mph (67.7 km/h)

Stridsvagn 103 (Sweden)
Speed: 38 mph (60 km/h)

Leopard 2 (Germany)
Speed: 45 mph (72 km/h)

Merkava (Israel)
Speed: 40 mph (64 km/h)

Centurion (UK)
Speed: 21 mph (34 km/h)

Max. speed:575 mph

B-52 (USA)
Max. speed:650 mph

Tiger I (Germany)
Speed:38 km/h (24 mph)

Challenger II(UK)
Speed:59 km/h (37 mph)

M1 Abrams (USA)
Speed:42 mph (67.7 km/h)

Stridsvagn 103 (Sweden)
Speed: 38 mph (60 km/h)

Leopard 2 (Germany)
Speed: 45 mph (72 km/h)

Merkava (Israel)
Speed: 40 mph (64 km/h)

Centurion (UK)
Speed: 21 mph (34 km/h)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Now Hiring
This must be great news "now hiring" as we doesn't see this much in the classified these days. During these difficult economic times, jobs and job security virtually invisible. Each day around the globe the demand for employment is much greater than the crippling job market. Instead of seeing "now hiring" we are faced with downsizing, layoffs, and companies closing their doors forever. Thus far I have not said anything positive, and I wish I could, but we know this is the today's job market. Even in spite of all this, there is still hope especially for Generation Y and some Generation X at this present time. On the other hand, like myself, being between the Baby Boomers and Jones Generation this probably not an option.
This military might be an option. And there is much to gain, virtually nothing to lose. Of course, there is a great adjustment to military life, mainly the structured and disciplined outfit. Military can be dangerous in peacetime and wartime. Let's look at it from this point of view, this is dangerous world for everyone. Sometimes I ask myself. "Which is the dangerous military or civilian life"? Lately, I seem to come up with the same answer BOTH.
Enough said there. Look at all the possibilities.
1. Job advancement - Desire to go ahead
2. Job security - Despite the economy
3. Medical care - no cost to you
4. Dental care - no cost to you
5. Three meals a day
5. Living quarters
6. Inexpensive life insurance
7. Travel - not just a job, but an adventure
8. 30 days vacation annually
9. Pension after 20 years of service
10. Good pay w/great benefits
11. Financial aid to further education
12. Housing allowance
13. And much more!!!!
This military might be an option. And there is much to gain, virtually nothing to lose. Of course, there is a great adjustment to military life, mainly the structured and disciplined outfit. Military can be dangerous in peacetime and wartime. Let's look at it from this point of view, this is dangerous world for everyone. Sometimes I ask myself. "Which is the dangerous military or civilian life"? Lately, I seem to come up with the same answer BOTH.
Enough said there. Look at all the possibilities.
1. Job advancement - Desire to go ahead
2. Job security - Despite the economy
3. Medical care - no cost to you
4. Dental care - no cost to you
5. Three meals a day
5. Living quarters
6. Inexpensive life insurance
7. Travel - not just a job, but an adventure
8. 30 days vacation annually
9. Pension after 20 years of service
10. Good pay w/great benefits
11. Financial aid to further education
12. Housing allowance
13. And much more!!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Non-lethal Weapons
Is it possible to engage in a war where only few or none gets killed?
The concept of non-lethal weapons is to take out enemy soldiers without killing them and disabling fighting equipment without it being destroyed.
Nonlethal weapons has long been in existence more than some 2,000 years. But on recent decades, as the military prepares for modern warfare, many are in favor of intergrating the use of nonlethal weapons into that arena. The research and development of nonlethal weapons has sharply increased during the last decade.
Some of the new weapons being researched, developed and/or deployed:
Foam-"Sticky foam" to bog down soldiers or equipment and a lubricant to end enemy vehicles spinning. These are called "stick-ems" and "slick-ems."
Calmative Agents-Chemical substances designed to temporarily incapacitate people.
Malodorants-Chemicals that mimic the most revolting smells (rotting food and human waste) and can disperse enemies like a skunk.
Supercaustic-Acids that corrode and degrade structural materials.
12-gauge shotgun shell filled with rubber pellets.
Stun grenades.
Disposable hand and ankle cuffs,
Pepper spray. (my favorite)
However, there are downsize and risks with the use of nonlethal weapons.
1. Time it take for it to affect.........Opponents can do major damages in that time.
2. The elderly, small children, and persons w/certain illness can be injuried severly or killed.
3. What about these two fatal incidences?
a) Last year when 700 hostages were seized in Moscow, an opiate gas was used to clear the way for them to be rescued. As a result, 117 of the hostages were killed by chemical agent used.
b) Seven years ago, another seizure took place in Moscow. Again an opiate gas was used and with same result. This time over 100 hostages and their capitors were killed.
The leading experts in arms control have argued that, "There is no known way in medical science how to put a large number of people to sleep without killing
a sizeable amount of them."
Non-lethal weapons are only optional to lethal weapons, and not be considered a replace for the lethal weapons.
The concept of non-lethal weapons is to take out enemy soldiers without killing them and disabling fighting equipment without it being destroyed.
Nonlethal weapons has long been in existence more than some 2,000 years. But on recent decades, as the military prepares for modern warfare, many are in favor of intergrating the use of nonlethal weapons into that arena. The research and development of nonlethal weapons has sharply increased during the last decade.
Some of the new weapons being researched, developed and/or deployed:
Foam-"Sticky foam" to bog down soldiers or equipment and a lubricant to end enemy vehicles spinning. These are called "stick-ems" and "slick-ems."
Calmative Agents-Chemical substances designed to temporarily incapacitate people.
Malodorants-Chemicals that mimic the most revolting smells (rotting food and human waste) and can disperse enemies like a skunk.
Supercaustic-Acids that corrode and degrade structural materials.
12-gauge shotgun shell filled with rubber pellets.
Stun grenades.
Disposable hand and ankle cuffs,
Pepper spray. (my favorite)
However, there are downsize and risks with the use of nonlethal weapons.
1. Time it take for it to affect.........Opponents can do major damages in that time.
2. The elderly, small children, and persons w/certain illness can be injuried severly or killed.
3. What about these two fatal incidences?
a) Last year when 700 hostages were seized in Moscow, an opiate gas was used to clear the way for them to be rescued. As a result, 117 of the hostages were killed by chemical agent used.
b) Seven years ago, another seizure took place in Moscow. Again an opiate gas was used and with same result. This time over 100 hostages and their capitors were killed.
The leading experts in arms control have argued that, "There is no known way in medical science how to put a large number of people to sleep without killing
a sizeable amount of them."
Non-lethal weapons are only optional to lethal weapons, and not be considered a replace for the lethal weapons.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What time is it

The military is a society within a society. Therefore, the military society operates in somewhat of a different way. Even the way time is given in a unique way considering most societies. Whereas, most places operate on a 12-hour clock. They operate on a 24-hour clock. The time pattern begin from 0000 hours to 2300 hours. For example 2:00AM is said to be: "zero two hundred" or "0200", 2:00 PM is "fourteen hundred" or "1400" and so on as such:
Midnight (12:00 AM) -- 0000 hrs
1:00 AM -- 0100 hrs
2:00 AM -- 0200 hrs
3:00 AM -- 0300 hrs
4:00 AM -- 0400 hrs
5:00 AM -- 0500 hrs
6:00 AM -- 0600 hrs
7:00 AM -- 0700 hrs
8:00 AM -- 0800 hrs
9:00 AM -- 0900 hrs
10:00 AM -- 1000 hrs
11:00 AM -- 1100 hrs
12:00 PM -- 1200 hrs
1:00 PM -- 1300 hrs
2:00 PM -- 1400 hrs
3:00 PM -- 1500 hrs
4:00 PM -- 1600 hrs
5:00 PM -- 1700 hrs
6:00 PM -- 1800 hrs
7:00 PM -- 1900 hrs
8:00 PM -- 2000 hrs
9:00 PM -- 2100 hrs
10:00 PM -- 2200 hrs
11:00 PM -- 2300 hrs
Monday, March 16, 2009
Post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)- is a type of stressor that can occur after being exposed to one or more traumatic events that threatened or caused grave physical harm.
Some years ago, many would hear the term "shell shock" and/or "battle fatigue" instead of PTSD in a military arena. PTSD as we know it today, became more noticeable and understandable after those who served in the Vietnam War were diagnosed with it. A large number of men and women serving in a war zone will likely be exposed to traumatic events that will leave them with lasting fear and suffering. As a result,returning military
personnel are unable to adapt to life after war. Imagine a traumatic events as such, an episode of murders to babies, women, and elderly in front of your eyes. Something to think about. It's cold-blooded and a hard pill to swallow. It might not be fair but it is definitely war.
1. Flashbacks
2. Nightmares
3. Avoidance
4. Detached
5. Anger
6. Difficulty sleeping
7. Feelings of mistrust and betrayal
8. Depression
9. Substance abuse
10. Suicidal thoughts
The most common form of treatment is therapy and medication.
This stressor might involve anyone "not only a military disorder" resulting from being rape, kidnapping, assault, disasters, and among other causes.
Some years ago, many would hear the term "shell shock" and/or "battle fatigue" instead of PTSD in a military arena. PTSD as we know it today, became more noticeable and understandable after those who served in the Vietnam War were diagnosed with it. A large number of men and women serving in a war zone will likely be exposed to traumatic events that will leave them with lasting fear and suffering. As a result,returning military
personnel are unable to adapt to life after war. Imagine a traumatic events as such, an episode of murders to babies, women, and elderly in front of your eyes. Something to think about. It's cold-blooded and a hard pill to swallow. It might not be fair but it is definitely war.
1. Flashbacks
2. Nightmares
3. Avoidance
4. Detached
5. Anger
6. Difficulty sleeping
7. Feelings of mistrust and betrayal
8. Depression
9. Substance abuse
10. Suicidal thoughts
The most common form of treatment is therapy and medication.
This stressor might involve anyone "not only a military disorder" resulting from being rape, kidnapping, assault, disasters, and among other causes.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Obama and the Economy
"Change, yes we can" and "change can happen" the famous words of President Obama. This is change to being shaping of many paths that lies ahead. What all this complaining and criticizing about in Capitol Hill and beyond? If a change is to going to make life better for the people, no doubt it is necessary. We, the people cannot sit back and continue to be consumed by situation at hand. It time to embrace for a new change of direction.
The President address the people to say. "That as the President and his administration is doing everything possible to help during this economic crisis. And to pave a way for better days ahead."
President Obama has presented a plan to lead us to better tomorrow. In the plan to stimulate the economy, he included tax cuts, expansion to unemployment benefits, education, health care, infrastructure, , and other welfare reforms.
Recently the President signed a over a $700 billion stimulus bill to get the economy stimulated again. It is projected for an approximately $800-a-year tax cuts for middle-class families. The tax cutting agenda looks something like this, payroll tax credit for worker within the range of $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers. And no taxes on first $2,400 a person receives in unemployment compensation benefits during the year. A deduction on car sales taxes.
His current viewpoint is to aid the school districts. Hopefully this will help to minimize layoffs and cutbacks. To provide substantial amount for special education and increase in the pell grants.
He is committed to do what necessary to ensure a quality and affordable health care is in place. As it is necessary to extend this plan to continue health research, training for medical persons and stay abreast with lastest health care technology.
There are reassurances for better highways and bridges in this remain to be seem plan. Other needs addressed in this area is public transportation issues. A need to provide maintenance to the existing public transportation systems.
During this economic crunch, the breadwinner of the family is switching very rapidly. As this recession linger on, more men are becoming unemployed leaving the women to provide financial and emotional support for the family. The reason for this is that the construction and manufacturing jobs are fading more quickly. On the other hand, the medical and education field is keeping more women employed.
The President signed into order the go ahead to further the embryonic stem cell research project. Maybe a breakthrough for better treatments and cures for various diseases.
The people expect great wonders and opportunties for the days ahead. Nothing happens overnight, its a long road to recovery.
The President address the people to say. "That as the President and his administration is doing everything possible to help during this economic crisis. And to pave a way for better days ahead."
President Obama has presented a plan to lead us to better tomorrow. In the plan to stimulate the economy, he included tax cuts, expansion to unemployment benefits, education, health care, infrastructure, , and other welfare reforms.
Recently the President signed a over a $700 billion stimulus bill to get the economy stimulated again. It is projected for an approximately $800-a-year tax cuts for middle-class families. The tax cutting agenda looks something like this, payroll tax credit for worker within the range of $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for joint filers. And no taxes on first $2,400 a person receives in unemployment compensation benefits during the year. A deduction on car sales taxes.
His current viewpoint is to aid the school districts. Hopefully this will help to minimize layoffs and cutbacks. To provide substantial amount for special education and increase in the pell grants.
He is committed to do what necessary to ensure a quality and affordable health care is in place. As it is necessary to extend this plan to continue health research, training for medical persons and stay abreast with lastest health care technology.
There are reassurances for better highways and bridges in this remain to be seem plan. Other needs addressed in this area is public transportation issues. A need to provide maintenance to the existing public transportation systems.
During this economic crunch, the breadwinner of the family is switching very rapidly. As this recession linger on, more men are becoming unemployed leaving the women to provide financial and emotional support for the family. The reason for this is that the construction and manufacturing jobs are fading more quickly. On the other hand, the medical and education field is keeping more women employed.
The President signed into order the go ahead to further the embryonic stem cell research project. Maybe a breakthrough for better treatments and cures for various diseases.
The people expect great wonders and opportunties for the days ahead. Nothing happens overnight, its a long road to recovery.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
New Zealand (Answer to previous post)

New Zealand military consists of an Army, Air Force, and Navy. The military outfit is rather small, but highly trained and well equipped to meet the challenges in this world today. A army that is make up of approximately 4500 full time soldiers and 2500part time. Their armed forces concentration is on providing defense against threat and security to their homeland and global security. Soldiers cannot be deployed until the age of 18; however they can voluntary at the age of 17 for military service. New Zealand has been a participant in the United Nations peace support effort since the early 50's. They assisted their coalition partners with the military operation in the middle east.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Red White and Blue

Whose flag is it?
a) Norway
b) New Zealand
c) United Kingdom
d) North Korea
The answer on next posting.

United States
Capital:Washington, DC


Dominican Republic
Capital:Santo Domingo


Capital:Panama City



Capital: Paris

Capital: Amsterdam

United Kingdom
Capital: London
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