Are you a pet lover? What is your favorite pet? As for me it a dog, because I think dogs are more versatile than any other pet. They are eyes for the blind, trained for drug seizure, help find missing persons, service to man in war, and are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their master. They are loyalty and very lovable to have as a pet.
For many centuries animals have been use througout warfares. Animals has done great work in combat zones. One of the most faithful animal in war have been the horse. During the prehistoric era animals were corporated into the armed forces in places like Europe, Egypt, America,and England. The horses were a great asset when it came to getting ammunition and supplies to the front line. They could travel ground where none other could travel. During the wars hundred thousands of horses died mostly from stravation, illness, heat exhaustion, and froze to death, than by enemy fire.
Another great animal to serve with man in war is the dog. As I mentioned is the most versatile of man's best friend. Dogs were afforded training school and learned to carry out many different tasks. They learned how to be ammo carriers, carry messages, to be watch dogs, mine sniffers, and even how to lay telegraph lines in the wilderness.
Someone must carry the load. And this is when the elephant comes in to play. None other animal have taken part in the war like the elephant. The elephant has definitely been a warrior in in battles. The military employed the elephant to haul timber, tons of logs, building briges and roads through the jungle. They huge animals are able to carry heavy loads.
It would not be correct to forget the humped-back warrior, the camel. You see he is one of a kind. Able to carry very heavy loads for a distant without even water or food. The camel can perform well in hot climates such as the desert. In the desert, he has an edge over other animals and humans too.
One of God's wonderful creation - animals. They're the human helpers; ecologically important & environmentally needed. Interesting to know, yet I'm shameful to say, I have never thought of elephants and camels. All animals shall be given credits.
ReplyDeleteLove the Mother's Day quote. We need mothers (& fathers too) to remind us the love of God. Forgive our insensitiveness to Your existence, dear God, you're always there.
In the UK the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) invented bravery awards for the animals who had helped in wars. I think it was before the military gave them out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the medal info in your previous post but one.
I totally agree. A WORD FOR YOU AND YOURS. The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways. Deuteronomy 28:7-9 NIV
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you really good. Amen .
I have always been a huge animal lover and never really thought of it this way. The service that we get from them is extremely important. Thanks for posting on such an issue.