Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Invasion of Iraq Justified or Not Justified?

Was the invasion of Iraq justified?
The Middle East is so rich in history dating back many decades. This area is known to have had many major conflicts and being in constant turmoil. The whole world is tied to the Middle East in such an extraordinary way. From the very first book of the Bible the Middle East is being connected to mankind in a unique way. It has been prophesied that the Middle East is where mankind's beginning started and where it will end.

Maybe the invasion was to liberate the Iraqis and to bring peace to the land. Sure the leadership might has been oust and a lot of peace talks taking place in that part of the world. Have the people been truly liberated and is there any sign of peace?

Another possibility was to put an end to terrorism after the 9/11 attack on America. If in deed this was reason, Is this a case of revenge? According to The Theory of Just War, "revenge does not justify a just war."

The Middle East is plentiful in crude oil. And Iraq is rank the third in numbers with the oil reserves. Was it to take control of their oil?

The are many more questions than answer.


1. The invasion of Iraq was necessary to protect the world from further terrorism.
2. The war against Iraq was to disarm them of weapons of mass destruction.
3. To free the Iraqis and world from the government of Saddam Hussein.


1. The use of power, strength, and toppling a government doesn't necessary reduce terrorism.
2. There is no evidence to support weapons of mass destruction was ever found.
3.The goals were to control the oil and to have military presence in the area.

Have the time arrived to pull troops out of Iraq?

There is some controversial between political parties when the troops should be pulled from Iraq. According to the President Obama the troops will be pulled from Iraq by August 2010.


  1. Mae. Bush was right to go in to Irag we know why. the liberal press and the Democratic left are running with fear having no answers for the U.S.A or the world.We see this again in the White House. I pray that i'm wrong.President Obama not being a true christian is about to bring in a New world order With the U.K. U.S.S.R and China plus The E.U.Keep praying for your Nation. Love And Gods peace to you and your family.

  2. HAve a Great wk.end!


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